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Tire recycling line

2500 kg/hr

Model TRM102

Tire recycling line 2500 kg/hr

Tire recycling line TRM102 is the modification to existing lines to give the user maximum production capacity about 2500 kg/hr with minimum power consumption about 222 K.W. in addition to many advantages like it is compact in design, requires less than 200 square meter to install it, only three workers can operate the line with full capacity, only four workers can install the line in one day. Besides many other advantages which are hard to be found anywhere.

These modifications are a result of many years in tire recycling field. After manufacturing tire recycling lines and recording the required modifications, we made this new line to be a new step in tire recycling field.



Advantages of tire recycling line

The most advantage of tire recycling line is that capital return is very fast where you can return your money within one year in average. In addition it has flexibility to produce many powder sizes to meet market requirements.

The production line has advantages in its design where it is compact in size which means less power consumption, less powder transportation in production line, Easy in shipping and installation.

The line is provided with programmable feeding system which could be programmed through control system to required feeding rate. The line is provided with cables and maintenance tracks which are assembled during manufacturing and will not be disassembled during transportation.

Rear view of production line

The unique shredding system can shred the whole tire into powder in one path with rate 2500 kg/hr using two electric motors each of 90 K.W. and using trommel system to pass the powder less than 3 mm to the line where it returns the rubber more than 3 mm to shredding system again.

The trommel passes the steel wires just after it is separated from the tire and it will return it back to cutting system which gives long life cutting blades and allow us to use only one magnetic separator for all the line.

Generally we were using magnetic separator after shredder to protect the grinder and use magnetic separator after grinder to separate fine steel; Now we compact shredding and grinding systems together and we don`t need more than one magnetic separator.

The line is provided also with screening and packing system to pack the four output powder sizes in adjustable packs which could be programmed through control system.

The packing system still works till it reach the programmed weight of the pack; then the packing process stops and the powder is collected in internal container till you change the pack and push the packing button again.

Fiber separation system is provided with air lock which is operated by electric motor and this lock allows us to discharge the fiber to external containers without stopping the production line. During fiber containers changing; air lock stops charging out the fiber and keeps it inside cyclones till you change the container and bush the air lock button again to operate it.

Magnetic separator is provided with internal pocket which is opened automatically to collect the steel wires till you change the steel container and it is closed automatically when you insert steel container in its location.

The production line is assembled on a frame with unique design which allow us to draw any system of the line quickly and easily without dismounting any other units.

All line units and systems are assembled in drawer shape in the frame to ease shipping, installation and maintenance.



General technical specifications:

  • Production line is manufactured with main European components

  • Production line is 7.5 m length , 4 m width and 3.5 m height

  • Installation required area is 200 m^2 in addition to storage and utilities areas

  •  Required workers are 3 per shift

  • Production line capacity is 2500 kg/hr of input tires

  • Adjustable feeding system to be adjusted according to tire sizes

  • Shredding and grinding system to shred full tires to less than 3 mm in one path

  •  Fiber separation system to separate fiber in external containers

  • Magnetic separation system to separate steel in external containers

  •  Screening and packing systems to classify and pack the powder in 4 sizes

  •  Cooling system is provided

  • Average water consumption is 100 lit/hr

  • Average power consumption is 222 K.W.

  • Whole production line weight is about 25 ton

  • Central control panel using touch screen to operate and simulate the line

  • After sales services and spare parts are available

  • One year warrantee

Main dimensions of production line 


Systems of production line

  1. Feeding system: It consists of belt conveyor to arrange feeding rate and vibrating table to direct the tires to shredding system.

  2. Shredding and grinding system: it consists of 68 cutting blades with 20 different designs to shred, grind and pulverize the rubber into 3 mm powder in one path.

  3. Trommel system: It passes the powder less than 3 mm to production line and return the powder more than 3 mm to shredding system again.

  4. Fiber separation system: it consists of fiber suction unit to draw the fiber from the powder and filtration system to filter the air and separate the fiber from it.

  5. Magnetic separation system: it is permanent magnetic drum works on electric motor and rubber belt to separate the steel wires to steel container.

  6. Screening system: It is a set of changeable screens with different mesh sizes to classify the rubber powder into four different sizes.

  7. Packing system: It is a set of augers for each mesh size and each auger has its own container to collect the powder in it temporally.

  8. Cooling system: It cools the cutting blades in different zones with different water pressure and different flow rate. The system controls filling of water tank.

  9. Electric control system: It is the control panel with touch screen to simulate and operate the line. Also the control system includes fixed cables and cable tracks.

  10. Maintenance tracks: It is a set of stairs, ladders and tracks around production line to ease maintenance and follow up operations.



1-  Tire feeding system

Feeding system starts in belt conveyor of 90 cm width and 4 m length, it is loaded on robust base and operated via electric motor 3 hp and reduction gear box 1/100 and variable speed electric system.

Belt linear speed could be controlled from 7 m/min to 14 m/min and which means 2 to 3 ton/hr of tires where tire size not more than 90 cm and average weight about 8 kg.

Tire feeding system

Conveyor belt is provided with horizontal fins each 90 cm of belt length. These fins with 70 mm high and acts as a gauge to adjust feeding operation where operator have to put one tire at each fin.

Belt conveyor of feeding system

The belt high at lower end is about 80 cm which is suitable for manual loading of tires and belt inclination is 35 degree to the ground which allows high friction force to permit the tire chips from sliding in case we feed the line with rubber chips.


                          Belt conveyor unit                                                                   Belt conveyor base

After feeding the tire to the line; It is directed to shredding system by a vibrating table which rotate the tire and feed it to shredding system in vertical position to ease shredding process. Vibrating table is mounted on elevated frame with inclination of 20 degree to the ground which is suitable for feeding process and allow easy access to lower parts of production line.


Vibrating table of feeding system                                                          Vibrator

Vibrating table is vibrated using specially designed vibrator which is driven through 2 hp electric motor and reduction gear box 1:3 reduction ratio. The linear velocity of vibrating table is 3.5 m/min. Vibrating table is provided with upper hopper which could be used to feed the production line with rubber chips and it is provided also with side path which is used in follow up and maintenance operations.




2- Shredding and grinding system

Shredding and grinding system accepts the tires coming from feeding system and shred it to rubber powder less than 3 mm in one path. The cutting blades have special designs which are settled after sires of trials on traditional shredders. And it could be considered as a new step in shredding systems.

The shredding system has 68 cutting blades with 20 different designs and is assembled on two rotating axes with 2200 mm length. Each axe is driven from separate electric motor 90 K.W. and reduction gear boxes to finally rotate the axes with 30 rpm and this system can shred 2500 kg/hr of recycled tires.

Shredding and grinding system

This new design of shredding system acts as four machines in one where we were using primary shredder to shred the tires to 50 by 50 mm chips and secondary shredder to shred these chips to 16 by 16 mm and grinder to grind these chips to 5 mm and final grinder to grind these chips to a powder.

Now we do these processes in one unit of production line which means more production capacity, less power consumption and compact design.

Shredder, Grinder and Trommel units

During cutters maintenance, the upper trommel half is dismounted and so the internal hopper of shredder, then the desired axe could be removed with all its cutters and it is easy to change or re-sharpen the blades, then reinstall the axe, internal hopper and trommel half in its location and operate the line without disconnecting the cooling connections during maintenance

Axes of shredding and grinding system

Parallel to shredding system there is cooling system which sprays cold water on cutting blades with different pressures and flow rates according to blades designs. This system allows the blades to be just cooled without wetting the rubber or needing drain line.



3- Trommel system

Parallel to shredding system; There is trommel system which passes the rubber powder less than 3 mm to production line and return the rubber chips more than 3 mm to shredding system again.

Trommel unit is made in two halves to ease mounting and dismounting, rotating unit is assembled from robust rotating frame and a set of identical screens which are fixed on rotating unit. Rotating unit is driven via 2 hp electric motor and reduction gear box 1:8 reduction ratio which leads to rotation speed of the trommel 10 rpm.


Trommel with shredding system                                                            Trommel unit

The trommel is closed carefully from sides to prevent the rubber to leak from sides and the rubber powder is allowed only to pass through the trommel mesh which is 3 mm in size and so we guarantee that the powder is less than 3 mm.

 In addition; the trommel passes the steel wires just after it is separated from the tire and prevent it to return to the cutters again which increase blades life and allow us to use single magnetic separator.

The trommel system is provided also with outer cover which is easily removed during maintenance and screens changing, The trommel system is provided with internal hopper which directs the returned rubber to cutting area, The rotating unit has a horizontal fins which acts as frame supports and acts as elevating fins to elevate the rubber.



4- Fiber separation system

After rubber shredding to less than 3 mm; it is moved to other system of production line which is fiber separation system in which the fiber and nylon are separated from rubber powder.

Fiber separation system in the line

Fiber separation system starts in suction unit where the fiber are drawn from the powder when the powder passes through suction gaps and before it reaches to the next floor.

Fiber separation system

Special suction angles of suction unit helps the suction unit to draw only the fiber and nylon from powder where it leaves the rubber powder to pass to next system. In addition; suction unit draws also dust resulting from shredding process and so the rubber will be free from any existing dust. The suction sensitivity is adjusted from general control of the production line.

Suction unit with its suction angles

After the fibers are sucked; the air passes with these fibers through air ducts till it reaches the air filtration unit and it is within fiber separation system.

Air filtration unit passes the air with fiber to two cyclones where the fibers fall inside the cyclones and the clean air pass to the next unit which is blower unit and hence to the atmosphere.

In addition to cyclones; secondary filer is mounted at blower exit to ensure cleaning of exhausted air.

The blower works on electric motor 20 hp, 2800 rpm and it is controlled from general control of the line and hence the blower pressure is controlled to just draw the fiber and leave rubber powder.

Cyclones and air lock

To get the fiber from the system in continuous operation; we use air lock at cyclones exit where the air lock rotates to bring the fiber from inside the cyclones to outside it and drop it in outer fiber containers.

When the fiber container if full; the air lock stops automatically and you will hear and see warning to change the container, after a certain time; the air lock works automatically even there is not fiber container under the cyclones and so it prevents blocking of fiber inside the cyclones.

You can operate or stop the air lock manually by push buttons beside air lock for emergency. The air lock is operated by electric motor 2 hp and reduction gear box 1:8.



5- Magnetic separation system

After fiber separation from the rubber; the rubber is collected by vibrating table 125 cm width and 250 cm length, it is same area of fiber suction unit. This vibrating table is mounted to production line frame as side drawer to ease mounting and installation.

Collection vibrating table

Vibrating table is operating from vibrator unit which is driven from electric motor 2 hp and reduction gear box 1:3. At the end of vibrating table we mount  magnetic separator which extract the steel wires from moving powder.

Magnetic separator with collecting table

Magnetic separator works on permanent magnet to extract steel wires and belt conveyor to move these wires to steel container.

The magnetic separator is provided with small pocket to collect the steel wires in it till you change the steel container and the pocket opens and closes automatically with container insertion. When the container is full; you will hear and see warning to empty steel container.

Magnetic separator

Magnetic separator is mounted to the line frame from rear side as drawer and it works on permanent magnet 20 cm diameter and 116 cm length and it is driven from electric motor 2 hp and reduction gear box 1:8 which allows all steel to be removed using one magnetic separator.

Because we use good shredding system; one magnetic separator is enough instead of three magnetic separators in old lines where we were using magnetic separator after shredder to protect grinder and second magnetic separator after grinder and third before screening, since we compact all cutting, shredding and grinding operations in one unit; then, one magnetic separator is enough where the steel wires are com just after its separation from the tire through trommel system without returning it to shredding system again.

And the magnetic separator is located just before screening system and so there is no need to additional magnetic separator before screening.


               Installation of collecting table                                          Installation of magnetic separator




6- Screening system

Screening system works after magnetic separation system and fiber separation system; so we classify the powder in this system and guarantee that the fiber is 100% free from steel and from fiber.

Screening system installation

The screening system is installed in production line frame as frontal drawer below magnetic separator where rubber powder is transferred from fiber separator to magnetic separator and then to screening system.

The screening system works by using screening table of 125 cm width and 4 m length, The table has four lower chambers, Over these chambers there are four screens in different mesh sizes where the first chamber has 1/2  mm screen to separate the powder less than 1/2 mm in first chamber and lead it to packing system.

And so the second chamber has a screen of 1 mm to separate the powder from 1/2 to 1 mm, the third chamber has a screen of 2 mm to separate the powder from 1 to 2 mm, The last chamber has no screens and the remaining powder is sure from 2 to 3 mm.

Vibrating table moves the powder on screens from smaller to bigger. This motion helps in screening process over screens and also transfer it to the next chambers. Vibrating motion also collects the rubber from lower chambers and leads it to outlet of chambers. Vibrator unit is driven by electric motor 2 hp and reduction gear box 1:3.


Screening system                                                                         Screens

Generally; you can change screens by any different size less than 3 mm and also you can eliminate some sizes by mounting two desired screens only on first and second chambers, The powder will come from first and second screens, the rest powder will come from third chamber and the forth chamber will get nothing.




7- Packing system

Packing system packs the rubber powder coming from screening system in identical packs which are adjustable from control panel. Packing process is done by means of four screw conveyors supported by four lower hoppers which receives the powder from screening system and keeps it till the operator puts an empty pack at the screw conveyor outlet and pushes the packing button.

After the pack is full; the operator have to bush stop button to change the pack, the packing motor stops and the lower hopper collects coming powder till the operator changes the pack and press the packing button again.

Packing system

In automatic packing mode, you may press packing button and it will stop automatically when the pack reaches to adjusted weight and it will work automatically after a certain period of time and stops again at adjusted weight and so on.

Screening and packing systems

In automatic packing mode, you can adjust each pack on different weight and the required weight is calibrated in corresponding time and the motors are operated for a while where the lower hoppers are full and stops automatically when it reaches to empty and works again to complete the pack and so on till the pack reaches to its programmed weight and of course the stopping periods are deduced.

And hence we get accurate and identical weights using this packing program which is programmed in the control system of the line.

Packing augers on its base

If you stop the screw conveyor to change the pack; the screw conveyor will work automatically after certain time even there is no pack for fear of blocking of powder inside the production line and you will see and hear warning for that.

The screw conveyors are fixed on special base to support the conveyors and provided with outer fence to separate the packing area from production line and it is provided also with upper platforms to fix maintenance rails and to ease motors accessibility.

The screw conveyors works on 30 degree to the ground which prevent powder blocking in the screws, screw outer diameter is 20 cm and 280 cm length, It is provided with upper cover along its length to ease auger cleaning and remove any blocking metals.



8- Cooling system

Cooling system works in cooling the cutting blades of shredding system which increase blades life, In addition; cooling the blades prevent heating rubber powder and hence better powder quality and free from smokes or odors.

Cooling system starts in cooling tank of 1000 lit capacity which is fixed to production line frame from back side as a drawer. It is connected to production line by flexible connections in separation points. The tank has its standard ports like tank inlet, tank outlet, pump connections, level indicator, over flow and pressure normalizing port.

Cooling system

The tank is filled by water pump fixed on tank side and connected to the control valves. The pump is operated by 2 hp electric motor and 3 bar pump pressure. The pump is operated from general control panel of the production line.

To control cooling process; we use a set of control valves between pump and cutting blades where the cutting blades are divided into four zones and each zone is controlled separately.

Cooling tank installation

Control valves can works on water pump or works directly at outer water line, the control valves are supported by relieve valve to protect the circuit from over pressure and to adjust the pressure in cooling circuit.

Cooling connections on production line

The control valves are fixed on tank wall and provided with required labels for each valve, the control valves are connected to the line through 4 cooling lines according to cooling zones, water pipes are fixed to line frame and flexible connections are provided at separation points between tank and frame and between upper hopper and frame.

Cooling system is monitored by a set of pressure gauges to indicate pump pressure, outer line pressure and cooling zones pressures. Outer line is 1 inch and cooling system is 1/2 inch.

Cooling control valves

Average water consumption is 100 lit/hr and there is no return line or drain line where the water is controlled exactly to cool the cutters without any excess water.

Cooling system is assembled during manufacturing and still assembled during transportation.



9- PLC control system

Production line has 15 electric motors in different capacities which are all controlled through general control panel fixed to production line frame, The production line is programmed and controlled from touch screen fixed on control panel and shows the line animation and directions of rotation or any warnings.

The touch screen shows also any faults in the line and how to fix it where we prepare a complete program for the line with all its parameters. And through this touch screen you can operate the line, stop it, operate or stop any motor and fix the errors.

Control panel and cable tracks

In addition you can adjust feeding rate of feeding system and adjust fiber separation sensitivity and packing sizes for packing system, where the motors works for a certain period of time and stops till you re operate it again.

The control panel has contactors and overload switches for each motor in addition to general circuit breaker, programming and control devices.

That control panel is fixed to the production line frame with fixed cable tracks which are 50 cm width and 7 cm depth and along the production line.

Cable tracks are fixed permanently on production line and it is not dismounted during transportation, it has upper covers for cables laying which are removed to lay the cables and fixed again. Cable tracks have outlets near each cable to pass the cable from it and connect the motor later after transportation in installation site.

Control panel and tracks in fixation

In addition to using cable tracks for cables; it is used as follow up tracks for the follow up crew to walk on.The control system of the line is fed from one electricity input cable of 222 K.W, 380 volt, 3 phase and 50 HZ. Generally the production line needs only one cable for electric power and one pipe for cooling water.




10- Maintenance and follow up tracks

The production line is provided with a number of tracks and stairs which are used in follow up operations and maintenance process.

Tracks starts in the side stair fixed to the production line frame and this stair I used to follow up the feeding conveyor operation and to get up to the production line.

Parallel to the production line; there is a follow up track with 75 cm width and it is used to access the auger motors, to follow up the trommel and general follow up of production line.

To follow up shredder feeding; there is side path and back ladder which are used to follow up the vibrator of feeding system and to check the front shredder motor.

Follow up tracks

Another path is exist in the end of the line with its ladder to check the cooling connections and air ducts beside it is used to check second shredding motor.

This path also is used to follow up the shredding process by sight through rear window in shredding system.



Shipping and installation of production line

The production line is transported in semi-assembled form where the control panel, cable tracks, cooling system, shredding, fiber separation, magnetic separation and screening systems are all assembled in the line frame and the remaining parts which will be assembled in the site will be the packing augers, fiber cyclones and belt conveyor with all their bases. Trommel screen will also be separated into two halves and will be assembled in site.

Assembled components during shipping

Generally, the line is very fast in installation where four workers can install the line in one day and we will need one shipping container 40 feet for the line and another container 20 feet for hydraulic cutter and debeader in addition to some external parts of the line.

The production line is fixed to the ground by special bolts, and then the parts which were disassembled during transportation have to be mounted in its locations.

These parts are; belt conveyor and its base, feeding vibrator and its base, augers and its base, cyclones and its ducts.

Stacking in shipping container

In addition; maintenance stairs have to be fixed to its location and the main electricity cable have to be connected to the control panel and water inlet line have to be connected to cooling system. Then the production line is ready for first run.



First run of production line

After line installation and connecting one electricity input to control panel and one water input to cooling system; The line operating starts from the control panel where a schematic diagram of the line appears on the touch screen showing all the line systems and directions of rotations for all motors.

Any faults or misconnections will appear also on the touch screen followed by warning light and sound.

Side view of production line

By one touch to control panel; the line motors start running automatically and gradually to adjust the loading of electric power to the outer line.

After the line is operated properly; full debeaded tires have to be fed to feeding system of the line through belt conveyor, Belt conveyor has horizontal fins on which one tire only have to be put for each fin.Tire diameter must be less 90 cm otherwise you have to use the hydraulic cutter to cut that tire into halves or quarters.

Also you must use the hydraulic debeader to remove the tire steel beads, generally these preparations of tires have to be done in early process before line operating.

After tires feeding are starts, the empty packs have to be put in the packing system, Only push the packing button and wait till the packs are full of pure rubber powder.

When the packs reaches to programmed weight; the packing process stops and you will hear a sound and see a light to indicate that you have to change the pack and push the packing button again.

In the same time, a fiber container have to be put under the air lock in fiber separation system and you have to push the discharge button to discharge the fiber and wait till the container is full and then the discharge process will stops and you will hear a sound and see a light to indicate that you have to change empty the fiber container and push the button again.

Other steel container have to be but at magnetic separator to collect the steel wires in it. Wait till you hear a sound and see a light to empty the steel container and return it again.

During containers or packs changing; the line will continue and the powder or steel or fiber are collected inside the line in internal temporary containers till you change the pack and push the buttons again.



Analysis of production line output per hour



500 kg --  20%


125 kg  --   5%

Rubber 0 – 0.5 mm

400 kg -- 16%  

Rubber 0.5 – 1 mm

400 kg -- 16%  

Rubber 1 – 2 mm

525 kg -- 21%  

Rubber 2 – 3 mm

525 kg -- 21%  


0.5 %


0.5 %

Power consumption

222 K.W.


Samples of output powder



Some applications of rubber powder

Rubber powder has many applications like shoes factories, tires factories, rubber connections factories, oil seals factories, hoses factories and likes.

Rubber powder could be also used in oil factories, vehicles factories, brake pads factories, roads paving, stadiums flooring and some building industries.

Sometimes the rubber powder is used as a fuel in cement factories where one ton of tires equal 700 kg of normal fuel, Or 4 tires equal one barrel of fuel



Click here to see another tire recycling line 1500 kg/hr