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Thermal Dryer

Model no.  TD046

A thermal dryer can be used after the mechanical dryer if necessary, in order to reduce any residual moisture on the material surfaces. To ensure a minimum energy consumption the unit is equipped with a multi-stage switch for different degrees of temperatures. As an option, the heating aggregate can be carried out by hot air from the heating unit.

The material is fed to dryer ; It is overturned and moves forward through a horizontal rotating drum by aid of slight tilting of drum axe. A heater supplies hot air on a continuous basis and is equipped with a temperature control unit. The required temperature is determined by the rest moisture of the various materials as well as the required through put rate.
After completion of the drying process the material is flow  into silos or into big-bags for further package


Technical specifications:

  • It is designed to achieve a final material moisture of 3% or less.

  • The capacity ranges from 150 kg/h to 250 kg/h

  • Body structure is made from steel sheets 3 mm thickness

  • Rotating drum is supported on a set of roller ball bearings.

  • Drum is rotated by electric motor 2hp through gear box.

  • Electric heater of 5kw is used to heat air flow.

  • Blower of 1200 CFM is used to circulate air stream through the dryer.

  • Dryer is supplied with control panel to operate and control the dryer performance.